To save the Bull & Butcher pub by acquiring the freehold as a community asset and grow the business guided by a community-led vision.
In September 2024, with the main purpose of acquiring the Bull & Butcher pub freehold, we formed a Community Benefit Society called the Akeley Community Society, with adopted Model Rules for Community Ownership sponsored by the Plunkett Foundation and registered as a Community Benefit Society with the FCA.
The Founding Members, and therefore the current formal Management Committee, is responsible for running The Society in line with the Rules, making prudent financial decisions to ensure the sustainability of the community pub and The Society, and the community seeing the benefits prescribed by our Rules.
The Society is a member of the Plunkett Foundation via the Plunkett Community Co-operative Network (PCCN): Registration PFCB0726.

Our Mission
Our Vision
To reopen as a vibrant social destination, where everyone is welcome.
A local social hub that helps village life thrive and local villages connect.
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